Thursday, December 19, 2019

Light the World: Thanking a mentor

OK, so this one is a little different. It's more of a true story instead of a gag. It's a nod to one of my mentors.

My Journalism professor at BYU, Ed Haroldsenpushed me from doodling in my notebook to being a genuine cartoonist. He not only noticed and encouraged me in my cartooning, he gave me ideas to use from time to time. It wasn't unusual for him to greet me before class and give me a critique of the day's cartoon in the Daily Universe.

He had an amazing career as a journalist and as a teacher. I am honored that he took the time to encourage me in my cartooning. He taught me some great writing and editing skills as well!

That said, there are three other people I have to acknowledge for their gentle prods and encouragement. In high school, Valerie set up an appointment for me to meet with the cartoon editor at the New Era. That was huge for me, and started me on the path of cartooning as a professional. It never would have happened without her.

Similarly, in college Susan encouraged me to meet with the editors of the school paper. BYU had cranked out a bunch of editorial cartoonists, but (as far as I know) up to that point they hadn't run a humor strip. That nudging led to my relationship with Bro. Haroldsen, and it led to me achieving one of my bucket list items before I even knew I had a bucket list. The paper ran two daily comic strips: mine... and Peanuts!

My dear wife Christy is a constant encouragement and inspiration. She laughs at my gags even when they're poor and gives me ideas to improve them. She helps keep me motivated, and is the best marketing rep that I have!

I've truly been blessed with some great people in my life. Thank you!

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