
Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Sketchbook: Conference Recap

These are some sketches taken from my notes from Conference. Click on the drawing to make the pictures bigger.
If you haven't yet, be sure to download either the MP3s or the transcripts and follow Pres. Monson's advice: study the addresses and learn what more there is for you. It was awesome!


  1. These are so good. Thanks for sharing with us your notes on conference. I really want to sit behind you in Priesthood Session one of these days.

    1. Next time you're in town. Or if we're there. Or something. Anyway, thanks for the mention and the link!

  2. These are brilliant! Thanks so much for putting them up. I should take notes this way. Thank you Arie Van De Graaff for your link to Kevin Beckstroms page.

  3. I Love these. Do you mind if I include a link to this post in my seminary teaching blog?

  4. So fun. So incisive and so succinct. I found you through my Watford (UK) connection where we lived many moons ago (now back in CA/USA). I'd love to share with my family if I have your permission.
