
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

It's no trick: it's a caption contest! What a treat!

I was upgrading this old sketchbook idea when my wife came in and said, "Oh! I like this! What's the caption?"

Before I could answer, she started throwing out ideas of her own — and some of them were pretty funny!

Then she said, "Why don't you make this a caption contest? If I came up with ideas that were funny, imagine what your readers could do!"

So, here's your chance! Send in your ideas for a caption! Email, comment, message, tell me in person. 

The winner not only gets his or her caption used and name in print, she or he could also win a copy of That's No Moon! my COVID-19 cartoon collection. Enter early, enter often! The winner will be announced on Saturday.


  1. It was at that moment that President Johnson realised that perhaps sending Elder Skeletor to Eternia was not such a good idea...

  2. "... and that's when my companion looked into the Ark of the Covenant."

  3. "I don't know what to do, President. I want to work, but my companion never moves a muscle."

  4. "When we have dinner appointments, I always have to explain why my companion doesn't eat anything. It's embarrassing!"

  5. "When my companion teaches about the resurrection, our investigators get the wrong idea."

  6. "He always wants to do street contacting in the cemetery."
