Sunday, September 28, 2008

Those mansions above...

I was skimming through the blogosphere the other day, and I came across "Ode to the Owens", and there was one entry that caught my eye: one of her sons said that his ambition as a grownup was to wear a suit. That got me thinking, and I took it to another level. So, props to lisaowens and her progeny for the inspiration!


  1. Very appropriate for early meeting members! Here's to the much anticipated meeting time change in January!

  2. This is Great!!
    I Love it!!
    Thanks for doing that.
    Lisa's big sister,

  3. Ha! This is great--my husband and I had a good laugh, and frankly, I feel kinda famous now. Thanks!

  4. No need to post this,
    just an idea.

    First panel of the stand at church, husband in the bishopric, husband smiling at the speaker, just enjoying the meeting. Second panel mother of 7 on the pew battling with her children, a twin boy in each arm, the look at her husband and thought "I Love You, but you are so Dead"

  5. Christi:

    Thanks! I'm working on something based on your idea. It ought to be up next Sunday. I'll let you know!
