Wednesday, January 2, 2019

You think your teacher is boring...!

My guess is that this is the week that a lot of people figure out just how easy it was to sit in Gospel Doctrine and be fed a lesson every week.

Come, Follow Me will encourage a spirit of learning and of gospel study in the home. There are a ton of resources available to make it more exciting and engaging, and take our study of the Savior to a deeper level.

Shameless Plug
If you want to further enhance your gospel enjoyment, there's an additional new resource — Volume 1 of Sis. Kerry Jo's Mission Blog: I Miss Wearing My Dork Dot is now available for purchase on Amazon! It's approaching the top half-million best sellers (currently at 515,255 and rising fast!). Order your copy today — and look for more to come!


  1. This is really exciting! Congratulations on the book. I look forward to adding it to my collection.
