Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday sketchbook: In memoriam

NOTE: This isn't my usual pattern -- I normally run only one item from my sketchbook each Monday. But once again this is a special occasion.

While cleaning out my office the other day, I ran across some sketches I drew for my co-worker, Jayne Stewart. She was a wonderful friend, mentor and amazing person.

Because she lived in California, she did her job interview with the Oregon Department of Transportation by telephone -- while she was in her car (before any restrictive cell phone laws). During the interview she was carjacked, yet was able to continue and complete the interview with aplomb.

She injured herself working on a home for Habitat for Humanity. While treating her injury, her doctor discovered that she had cancer. It was while she was hospitalized for her cancer treatments that I drew these cartoon sketches for her.

She fought a valiant fight, and kept in great spirits to the very end. She told her doctor that she had to hold on until she was able to finish another volunteer project for the Willamette Valley Humane Society.

She passed away seven years ago tomorrow. One of the songs they played at her memorial service was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World." It was a fitting tribute and perfect for her.

  • Jayne was instrumental in publicizing, ODOT's travel information service. She always joked that she had a TripCheck logo tattooed on her hip, but she never volunteered to show us.

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