Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Hey! It's another caption contest!

You know when you have those thoughts and ideas in the middle of the night and you just know that you'll remember what it was in the morning? That almost happened. I remembered the picture, but I couldn't quite remember the gag. I thought if I drew the picture it would help wake up those brain cells. Nope. No neurotransmitters firing that day, let me tell you.

So here's the drawing. What's the caption? Comment below, email or DM me. Whatever it takes. 

The person who submits the best caption will win a valuable prize. We'll announce the winner next week! Enter early and often!



  1. “It’s now or never Elder! That haircut won’t wait.”

  2. "Don't even think about it Elder! That's a $400 haircut!"

  3. "Don't fall for that luxurious haircut. The barber across the street does his hair!"

  4. "If that's us when we're older tell me what kind of gel you use!"

  5. "After the Osmond's slipped him a Book of Mormon in the 70s, he faked his own death, moved here, and started cutting hair. Some people will do anything to get out of a visit from the missionaries."

  6. “I wonder if he would consider a residency at the MTC? Haircuts by day and ‘Amazing Grace’ by night. No venue on the Strip offers that!”
