Friday, September 27, 2024

Fill your mind

There are several ways to get ready for General Conference. Amongst those myriad ideas is filling your head with good thoughts and ideas. That's the genesis of this cartoon. What's better than the classics?

But, if you are looking for something to supplement your usual gospel study materials, may I suggest the following:

The Great Missionary Bake-Off — My latest collection of missionary-themed cartoons.

That's One Small Step for a Mom, One Giant Leap for Missionarykind — An award-winning collection of missionary cartoons.

The Sis. Kerry Jo collection — Three volumes of cartoons the chronicle the missionary experiences of Sis. Kerry Jo as she serves in Korea (Hey! That was my mission!). Based partly on real-life experiences, these books give an in-depth look to life as a sister missionary.

There are also seasonal collections (they make a great gift!) that include:

You can find all these and more on my author page on Amazon!


As you prepare for General Conference, you may also want to download the semiannual General Conference Activity Pack by my good friend Arie Van De Graaff, aka the Ward Cartoonist. He's also got a great collection of cartoons and activity books great for any age!

Enjoy General Conference — it's sure to be a good one!

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