So after sacrament meeting one day a few years back, two young women in the ward came running up up to me all giggly.
"Are you the Kevin Beckstrom in the magazines?"
I thought that was an odd question, but being a public relations practitioner, I could have been quoted in any number of publications. "What do you mean?"
"The one with the cartoons in it, The New Era? Is that you?" Then they whipped out the magazine and showed me this one. I was surprised to see it because it was one that the magazine bought a long time ago. And the girls were totally impressed that I was indeed the Kevin Beckstrom, too.
It's entirely appropriate cartoon to share today, too. When we woke up this morning, it was snowing hard. The lawn was covered with snow. When we came back home after church this afternoon the sun was shining and the neighbors were out mowing the lawn. Welcome to Oregon...go figure!
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