I always enjoy Elder Scott's talks. I loved the examples he used of scriptures that were his friends. The filing cabinet metaphor was awesome!

One of the recurring themes that I noticed was following the Spirit/receiving personal inspiration. Sis. Thompson's story of getting a testimony while listening to conference on the radio was pretty cool.

Pres. Monson really likes to shake things up! I loved the audible gasps at the Provo Tabernacle and Paris temples. But I have to say, I felt sorry for Elder Alonso. He gave a wonderful talk about the Savior, but there was so much chatter about the temples that a lot of it was lost! It's worth going back and reviewing.

I missed a lot of the Saturday Afternoon session. Elder Bednar's talk on the spirit of Elijah was cool -- one joke we have in our Priesthood group is that Nintendo is developing a genealogy game so that we can do family history Wii-search.

Elder Aldern's talk was another good one. I noticed that the line, "Let us be as quick to kneel as we are to text" has been picked up as a new catchphrase!

Priesthood is always incredible! I loved Elder Holland "getting in our faces" about what our priesthood responsibilities are.

After Pres. Eyring's stories, I may never again answer the phone in the middle of the night!

I'd heard Pres. Monson's story about being dismissed to attend church services, but it's still a good one. I was affected by the remark that since that time he's often found himself standing alone.
That was another recurring theme: standing as a witness at all times. Pres. Eyring said that repetition isn't boring, it's because something is important!

Having five boys, I really hope there were several fathers out there who listened to Sis. Dalton's talk on raising daughters!

I thought Elder Hales' talk was among the most poignant of the entire conference. I wonder how much of what he said was drawn from his recent experiences?

Pres. Monson has so many stories! I've got one kid who regularly launders his money, so we could relate to his story about the five dollar bill.

I loved Elder Yamashita's talk. I was especially moved by the story of the coat. My dad served in Korea before I was called to serve there as a missionary -- but he was in the Army. I couldn't very well wear his fatigues! Still, so many people expressed their thanks to me for his service. His sacrifice created a lot of goodwill and opened many doors for me.

Elder Cornish had a great message: "Don't just say your prayers -- live them!"
All in all, I thought it was a wonderful conference! Pres. Monson's wrap-up at the end was a great summation of Conference. He was so full of thanks! I also liked the part where he asked us to please remember him in our prayers: "We're all in this together!"